May 18 | 0 COMMENTS

UCM annual general meetings put the spotlight on marriage and family
Cardinal Keith O’Brien joined members of the Union of Catholic Mothers (UCM) from across Scotland at the organisation’s national AGM and Bishop Vincent Logan joined Dunkeld UCM at its AGM.
The cardinal, Episcopal director of the UCM, celebrated Mass for the mothers alongside diocesan chaplains Fr David Brown, Glasgow Archdiocese, Fr Damien Gilhooley, Motherwell Diocese, and Fr Ross Crichton, Argyll and the Isles Diocese, at the Conforti Institute, Coatbridge at the weekend.
Emphasising the Church’s strong opposition to same-sex ‘marriage,’ the cardinal used the event to announce that in Scotland there would be a nationwide Marriage and Family Sunday called by the Catholic Church on Sunday August 26 this year.
Cardinal O’Brien spoke of the necessity of good preparation for those considering married life, as well as for those considering priesthood or religious life.
The cardinal indicated that it is necessary as never before that full and adequate preparation for marriage always be given. He emphasised the importance of the role of members of the UCM in such preparation—as they themselves as mothers and indeed grandmothers are ‘aware of the many influences affecting the views of our young people in society today.’
“So many young people are brought up in a society which does not in any way acknowledge the beautiful teachings of Jesus or indeed the teachings of the Church with regard to the Sacrament of Matrimony,” Cardinal O’Brien said. “At times, it seems as if this present generation of young people simply ‘do as they want’ with no regard to the moral values which should have been handed on to them at an early age.”
At the recent Dunkeld AGM, Pauline Parker, president of the Dunkeld UCM, presented Bishop Vincent Logan of Dunkeld with a cheque from the UCM for the Diocesan Ecclesiastical Students Fund, prompting the bishop to praise the commitment made by the members in their parishes and to the formation of future priests in the diocese.
Bishop Logan celebrated Mass for the mothers at St John Vianney’s Church, Alva. Fr Thomas Shields, parish priest of St John’s in Perth, concelebrated the Mass along with Canon Michael Milton, administrator of St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee, before the ladies of the UCM gathered in the church hall during which the branches from Dunkeld gave their annual reports.
The Dunkeld AGM was dominated by the sad news that, after 62 years of good work, the Alva Branch of the organisation was to close. While its members’ efforts would continue, reduced numbers have led to the branch closure decision. Mrs Parker said she hoped that the triennial rally, due to take place in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee, next year, would help to encourage new membership.
Bishop Logan spoke of his sadness at the news of the closure of the Alva branch, recalling the commitment made by the members in their parishes and to the formation of future priests in the diocese.
Pic: Paul McSherry